Category: Uncategorized
Milestone reached: The pilot study has been successfully completed!
The me_HeLi-D pilot study was successfully completed in January and February 2025 in Austria, Slovenia and Poland, involving about 100 students. The study aimed to identify technical challenges, assess the clarity of the content, and evaluate the feasibility of implementation. Austrian and Slovenian students participated over a five-week period, while Polish students completed the program…
Insights from me_HeLi-D presented at EPH 2024
For the second time, the Erasmus+ project me_HeLi-D (mental health literacy and diversity) was represented in the Health Literacy section of the EPH with a contribution on the digital promotion of mental health and health literacy among students. Franziska Reitegger and Michaela Wright presented under the title “Youth voices: A participatory approach to promoting mental…
me_HeLi-d at the first Future Education Conference in Graz
At the Future Education Conference in Graz, our researchers had the opportunity to present their research findings on innovative educational projects and to strengthen cooperation and networking at the FZIB (Research Center for Inclusive Education). Under the title “Empowering through Co-Creation: A Strategy for the Promotion of Adolescent Mental Health”, the results of the participatory…
me_HeLi-D at the 9th Scientific Conference Research in Education
On 25-26 September 2024, the conference Research in Education took place in Ljubljana. We presented the paper Creative Writing Workshops on Anxiety – A Participatory Approach to Developing Content in the Digital Mental Programme for Youth. We presented an example of a participatory approach in the development of the digital programme me_HeLi-D. The programme aims at…
The me_HeLi-D project partners gave a presentation at the international conference “Week of Mathematics and Informatics FMI & Friends” in Bulgaria.
Presenters: Dafinka Miteva, Elitsa Peltekova, Ioannis Patias, Michaela Wright, Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera Title: Online digital resources for mental health literacy and resilience as a priority of the me_heli-d projec
Child Research and Education Congress, Poland, Rzeszów
The me_HeLi-D project partners presented the presentations at the Child Research and Education Congress in Poland: Katarzyna Borzucka-Sitkiewicz and Katarzyna Kowalczewska-Grabowska Supporting the psychosocial potential of young people based on the me_HeLi-D project. Read More
The me_HeLi-D project partners presented two presentations at FMI Spring Science Session 2024 in Sofia:
Elitsa Peltekova, Dafinka Miteva, Ioannis Patias, Michaela Wright, Franziska Reitegger, Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera Educational initiative promoting health literacy and awareness among secondary school students Dafinka Miteva, Elitsa Peltekova, André Menrath, Michaela Wright, Franziska Reitegger, Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera, Ioannis Patias Implementing Developed Lessons as an Online Interactive Learning Resources for Improving Secondary School Students‘ Mental Health Literacy and…
2nd round of participatory workshops at our partner schools
In December 2023, just before the holiday break, the second round of participatory workshops took place at our partner schools in Austria, Poland and Slovenia. In June 2023, our workshops focused heavily on design, this time the focus was on the content of the program. An entire session was also dedicated to discussing the topic…
Participatory design workshops with students from our partner schools
The next important milestone in the me_HeLi-D project was reached. In June, the first two participatory workshops with students from the partner schools in Slovenia, Poland, and Austria were successfully completed. The main purpose of the workshops was to collect relevant topics, ideas and preferences for the design of the me_HeLi-D program. Students were involved…